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Scientific & Research Activities

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Scientific activities at University are aimed at researching topical problems of society and state development, and also improving the level of teaching. Special attention is paid to applying distance teaching techniques and improving students’ professional skills of different qualifications in Humanities.

The University publishes scientific journal «Social Economic and Legal Research» on the results of the research. It also publishes articles in Law and other Social Sciences.

Annually the University hosts an international scientific conference of teaching staff, and an international scientific conference of young scientists and students. Traditional scientific workshops and “round table” discussions on topical problems of Humanities are organized at the University too.

Scientific publications of BIP’s teaching stuff are included in the databases of Google Scholar and Russian Science Citation Index.

There are also 2 scientific and pedagogical schools:

  • Scientific and pedagogical school named after S.Sokol “Topical Issues of the State and Law of the Republic of Belarus” (the head of the school – Doctor of Law, Professor, Mikhail Pastukhov);
  • «Digital Information, Communication and Multidisciplinary Technologies in Economics and Management».

There are 9 student’s research laboratories in function, 15 student’s scientific courses and 3 clubs (linguistic, history and law focus, discussion and politics focus), educational laboratory «School of Future Investigator».

Students participate in scientific works competitions, scientific conferences, Olympiads (subject competitions), seminars, in work of research laboratories, scientific courses and clubs.

Sokol’s Scientific Readings – 2021

An international conference named “Sokol’s Scientific Readings – 2021” was held in Minsk on 17 December. The conference was dedicated to the memory of scientist, the founder on the University and it’s first rector, Doctor of Law, and professor Stepan Fedorovich Sokol.

There participated representatives of BIP, BSU (Belarusian State University), Belarusian National Technical University, Smolensk Branch of RANEPA (The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration) and Institute of Law of National University of Ostroh Academy.

During the conference were held discussions based on Belarusian history, law and political studies of XVI – XXI centuries.

2020 © «BIP — University of Law and social-information technologies»